Powerstroke 6.0
We Filter It!
   An optional way to get a pressure feed from a vehicle that does not have a traditional spin on filter is to punch a hole and install our Self Tapping Hollow Bolt at the end/top of the screw on canister lid.  As for the return, it is fairly easy to modify your own oil Fill Cap using and Ams/Oil Swivel Fitting available in several of our Frantz Filter Kits.  A vice, electric drill and a 3/8" drill bit is all that is needed.  See oil cap pictures below.
   Below is Shawn's 6.0 Installation.  Shawn chose to purchase these ready made Red Caps from another company for his pressure feed and return.  The cost for each has been reported to be around $70.00 each.  Ams/Oil also sells their version in a nice Blue Color in the installation pictures from Darryll furthur down the page!
     Some customers get creative with the securing of the Mounting Bracket for the Frantz Filters.  Some make extra parts to attach it to and Shawn chose the good old fashion Zip Tie! 
   The Ford Powerstroke 6.0 requiers some creativity with it's installation.  This vehicle is one which does not have a traditional spin on filter.  It has a cartridge drop in filter. 
Blue Aluminum Caps available from Ams/Oil.
   To the right is Darryl's 6.0 Ford Powerstroke.  He purchased the blue canister cap and them modified his own oil cap
Darryl made a special bracket also.